Motorcycle touring : the beauty of Belitung Island # 1

Brothers & sisters…., I was very fortunate to be able to join motorcycle touring at Belitung Island. I had heard of this beautiful island but had never got a chance to visit it. I want to share this trip using pictures that I captured along the way.

We departed from Soekarno-Hatta airport at bout six o’clock in the morning, just about the same time as the sun rise.

DSC03970aThe flight to Belitung island took about 45 minutes, so it’s not too far away from Jakarta. While in the air, it’s great to see the scenery out side, blue sky above and blue ocean below with white cloud nicely spread across the sky.

DSC03977aWe arrived at Tanjung Pandan – Belitung Island safely, thanks God. So here are the happy faces.

DSC03978aAfter having great breakfast at restaurant close to the hotel we went to Aston hotel where we stayed. Went directly to the basement where our motorcycles are parked to check if our bikes are in good condition and ready for a long ride.

DSC03979aDSC03981aWe all geared up and started to hit the roads. The roads at Belitung island are superb, made us all enjoyed our riding. The scenery along the way are marvelous.

DSC03984aSome times we stopped just to take pictures of beautiful beaches and other interesting objects.

DSC03985aDSC03998aDSC04019aDSC04022aDSC04025aDSC04023aWe headed back to the hotel in the afternoon, but before that we had to refuel our bikes so they’ll be ready to go the next morning.


About lexyleksono

A man from the country side of Jember - East Java, married and has one daughter. Love to travel, and to explore new things. I love motorcycles and photography. By writing in this blog, I want to share my life journey with you all (i.e. traveling, photos, motorcycle touring, etc.). I really do hope every reader will enjoy this blog. Thanks guys for visiting my blog, I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcomed. God bless you all..! Best regards, Lexy Leksono Email : or Phone : 08129668128 or 087877408314
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21 Responses to Motorcycle touring : the beauty of Belitung Island # 1

  1. ipanase says:

    mogeh2 pada kumpul juga


  2. ipanase says:

    ha? just 45 minutes to go to belitung? really fast 😀


  3. ali*32 says:

    waiting for part 2

    *Indonesian Version*



  4. Har_leys says:

    keren om.. coba bawa lensa widenya buat foto batu2an.. pasti jadi tuh foto… 😛


  5. Aa Ikhwan says:

    ajib 😀


  6. Rico Tangara says:

    Painting masterpiece of the ‘Creator’, we must care for and preserve. Two thumbs up for local governments Belitong island. Good article om lexy..


  7. khong.handoyo says:

    Wahhh kereennn bangettt…!!! jadi pengen nih kebelitung. 🙂


  8. yogieza says:

    tanya om,itu ada foto motor2 berhenti di pinggir jalan pas belokan,apakah tidak mengganggu pengendara lain bila lewat tikungan tsb sedangkan di pinggir jalan banyak motor parkir?


    • lexyleksono says:

      Engga masbro, karena jalanan sangat sepi sangat jarang ketemu mobil lewat, motor penduduk pun sangat jarang yg lalu lalang, di samping itu ada polantas yg terus mengawal dan mengatur lalin. Trimakasih masbro udh mampir & perhatiannya.


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