Iseng njepret Burung Pipit yang sedang bangun sarang

Brothers & sisters…., kalau hoby foto-memfoto apa aja bisa dijadikan sasaran jepret. Naah ini pas makan di daerah Garut, Jabar liat ada sepasang burung pipit yang mondar-mandir, rupanya mereka sedang membangun sarang di pohon palem. Menggunakan kamera saku, yg lensa jauhnya cukup mumpuni, saya cuma sempat jepret 2 kali..DSC04608a



About lexyleksono

A man from the country side of Jember - East Java, married and has one daughter. Love to travel, and to explore new things. I love motorcycles and photography. By writing in this blog, I want to share my life journey with you all (i.e. traveling, photos, motorcycle touring, etc.). I really do hope every reader will enjoy this blog. Thanks guys for visiting my blog, I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcomed. God bless you all..! Best regards, Lexy Leksono Email : or Phone : 08129668128 or 087877408314
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