The Fun and Friendship Motorcycle Touring (1)

Brothers & sisters…., why I love motorcycle touring I have shared in this article. Indeed motorcycle touring always makes me happy and excited. I find there are lots of fun and I can find deep friendship in every motorcycle touring I am joining. On November 12, 2016 Vulcan Riders Indonesia (VRI), Hotour and Kawasaki Big Bike Jogjakarta had a motorcycle touring from Jogjakarta to Dieng Plateau. This event was held not only for VRI’s routine touring agenda but also to celebrate and honor Indonesia Hero day 10 November.

My wife and I had fun riding my green Vulcan S

My wife and I had fun riding my green Vulcan S

This is my third ride to Dieng Plateau, but I am still exciting to go there again. Dieng Plateau is one of the most visited tourist destination in Central Java. People usually come here because of the beautiful scenery, nice cool and clean air, great local culinary and also to visit the remains of great old Hindu temples. For motorcycle riders the ride from Jogjakarta to Dieng and back to Jogjakarta is really fun. We did not go through the main roads, we chose small country roads instead. These roads provide more pleasure to ride because of the scenery along the way, less trafic, more challenging with small winding roads, up hills and down hills. This type of roads probably not fun at all if you go by car, but for a motorcycle rider it is a different story. Here are some of the photos during our Day 1 ride:

Preparing for the ride:

The ladies come along as pillions

The ladies come along as pillions

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The Ride :

Brother Wawan with his Kawasaki Versys leading us for the fun ride ti Dieng Plateau

Brother Wawan with his Kawasaki Versys leading us for the fun ride ti Dieng Plateau

Line up guys.. let's have fun.

Line up guys.. let’s have fun.

Beautiful Dieng Plateau area. Great scenery around make us enjoy our ride.

Beautiful Dieng Plateau area. Great scenery around make us enjoy our ride.


Nice road for motorcycle riding


Arrive at Dieng Plateau:



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The Lunch:

We are having lunch at Waroeng Djoglo Wonosobo.

We are having lunch at Waroeng Djoglo Wonosobo.

Great food, nice restaurant

Great food, nice restaurant.. right bro Ossy (the KTM rider)

Brother Nilo the Ducati moster rider

Brother Nilo the Ducati moster rider

Enjoy your lunch guys

Enjoy your lunch guys

The Fun & Friendship Photos:




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Heading back to Jogjakarta:

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After having fun riding, sight seeing, eating & drinking, laughing we are heading back to Jogjakarta. It was really a great happy touring for Vulcan Riders Indonesia, Hotour and Kawasaki Big Bike Jogjakarta. Thanks you brothers & sisters for all the fun & friendship we had. Many thanks also to all sponsors for supporting Vulcan Riders Indonesia on this great event.



About lexyleksono

A man from the country side of Jember - East Java, married and has one daughter. Love to travel, and to explore new things. I love motorcycles and photography. By writing in this blog, I want to share my life journey with you all (i.e. traveling, photos, motorcycle touring, etc.). I really do hope every reader will enjoy this blog. Thanks guys for visiting my blog, I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcomed. God bless you all..! Best regards, Lexy Leksono Email : or Phone : 08129668128 or 087877408314
This entry was posted in cruiser bike, Daerah wisata, Kawasaki 650, Kawasaki 650cc, Kawasaki Cruiser, Kawasaki Vulvan S, Motor cruiser, Motor Touring, motorcycle touring, objek wisata, Pemandangan Alam, Touring motor, traveling and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to The Fun and Friendship Motorcycle Touring (1)

  1. matt pedro says:

    wah asik banget…jadi inget tahun lalu riding jkt dieng…itu dinaikin berdua dari jakarta om Lexy?


  2. wah bagus2 om fotonya 🙂
    jadi pengen ke dieng lagi…


  3. J.Rockwell says:

    Looks like fun!


  4. mantabb tenan motor e


  5. Wawan says:

    Menunggu VRI ke arah timur lagi om lexi…. bromo or bali… hehehe

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Looks like a great day out on the bikes. I prefer to ride in small groups of 3 to 5 for safety reasons. Those roads look great. Greeting from half way accross the globe. Love motorcycling.


  7. poh how says:

    nice, hope to ride in indonesia in years to come, maybe a month long ride.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. bram says:

    Hello Om..
    Maaf mau Tanya nih, ane mau gabung di komunitas Vulcan riders gmn nih,,,
    Ada kontak yg bisa dihubungin??
    Sorry masih newbie


  9. bram says:

    Cara untuk gabung di grub Vulcan rider gmn Om, ada kontak yg bisa dihubungin???


  10. benn says:

    mas lexy masih pegang yamaha vmax? info aku ya


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