Minor touch on my Estrella for better handling and comfort

Brothers & sisters…., after two years without any new touch on my Estrella, I think it is about time to make some minor upgrades. First is I want to have a windshield on. Second I want to raise the handle bar a little higher. Third I want to replace the heavy and bulky engine guard with a slimmer one. For this purpose I let Syndicate Motor Indonesia to do the work.

This morning I went to Syndicate Motor Indonesia to check if my Estrella is ready. Every thing is perfect except the windshield need to be adjusted a little bit. After the windshield is done, my bike is ready. Here are some photos I took this afternoon.

My Estrella, si Jlitheng< with a new windshield, a new engine guard and a new handle bar riser

My Estrella, si Jlitheng, with a new windshield, a new engine guard and a new handle bar riser

I rode about 40 km this afternoon, the small windshield is quite helpful to protect me from the front wind blow

I rode about 40 km this afternoon, the small windshield is quite helpful to protect me from the front wind blow

Using riser pivot, the handle bar is now 4-5 cm higher than the original. I find it more comfortable and relax, better handling too.

Using riser pivot, the handle bar is now 4-5 cm higher than the original. I find it more comfortable and relax, better handling too.

img_1939aDengan ubahan yang relatif minor ini, saya merasa lebih nyaman terutama stang yang lebih tinggi membuat tangan saya lebih releks dan handling nya juga terasa lebih enak. Windshield yang terpasang sekalipun kecil cukup mampu menghalau angin. Engine guard saya ganti yang lebih kecil pipanya dan juga kelihatan lebih oke. Semua dikerjakan oleh punggawa bengkel Syndicate Motor Indonesia, termasuk stang riser pivot nya juga menggunakan brand Coriaz milik bro Rial Hamzah.

About lexyleksono

A man from the country side of Jember - East Java, married and has one daughter. Love to travel, and to explore new things. I love motorcycles and photography. By writing in this blog, I want to share my life journey with you all (i.e. traveling, photos, motorcycle touring, etc.). I really do hope every reader will enjoy this blog. Thanks guys for visiting my blog, I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcomed. God bless you all..! Best regards, Lexy Leksono Email : lexy.leksono@yahoo.co.id or lexyleksono@gmail.com Phone : 08129668128 or 087877408314
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7 Responses to Minor touch on my Estrella for better handling and comfort

  1. rico erm says:

    BTW udah pernah digeber blm om? ngos2an ga ya dibuat turing lari 100-120km/h kontinyu?. Pengen punya, tapi masi ragu (worth it atau tidak) sama performanya. Harga selisih jauh, tp torsi ma power masi mirip2 sama scorpio, tiger, dan sekelasnya. hehehe…

    Tapi tampang emang ni motor juaranya.. 🙂


    • lexyleksono says:

      Hallo bro, kalau suka geber motor atau lari kencang Estrella gak cocok bro. Estrella itu halus gak galak, lari 100 kpj lebih bisa aja tetapi butuh waktu. Tidak seperti motor ninja mono 250 cc yg lincah dan cepat, Estrella bener2 kalem dan santai. Utk kenyamanan ini motor top banget.


      • rico erm says:

        Sy bkn penggemar kebut2an om, kenyamanan nomer 1, Hehe..
        Cm pgen tau aj performanya gmn. Pikirku dibawa lari 100~120an ni mtor bakal nggereng, getaran kemana2 n bkin g nyaman. Trnyta g gt yaa..? Top lah..


      • lexyleksono says:

        Menurut saya 100 oke, 120 kurang oke. Enak nya di 80-90 nyes..nyes..nyes..gitu.


      • Max ferdinand picaulima says:

        Haiii2 mourning om lex.gue baru punya dan buat bokap nah gue butuh info buat winsilnya dunk.biar bokap bisa keliatan gagah.di mana bisa belinya buat winsilnya kaya om lex punya.thanks om lex


      • lexyleksono says:

        Saya buat di syndicate motor di jl. Kalimalang. Coba di google aja, bisa buat model lain jg. Kalau mau sama persis dg windshield saya juga bisa.


  2. natuurfreak says:

    Magnificent machine!

    Liked by 1 person

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