Foto-foto di senja hari

About lexyleksono

A man from the country side of Jember - East Java, married and has one daughter. Love to travel, and to explore new things. I love motorcycles and photography. By writing in this blog, I want to share my life journey with you all (i.e. traveling, photos, motorcycle touring, etc.). I really do hope every reader will enjoy this blog. Thanks guys for visiting my blog, I hope you like it. Any comment is always welcomed. God bless you all..! Best regards, Lexy Leksono Email : or Phone : 08129668128 or 087877408314
This entry was posted in Adventure bikes, fotografi, kawasaki adventure, landscape photography, motor adventure, Pemandangan Alam and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Foto-foto di senja hari

  1. Ariel S says:

    nice bikes, cita2 punya kek gini, skrg masih cukup puas pake pulsar 220 dulu buat keluyuran, hehehe.. Btw, keren2 udah ini foto2nya. Coba lancang kasih saran gpp ya om, kurangi dikit exposure-nya 1-2 stop, trs supaya objek ga under exposure, pake flash untuk fill in light. pasti akan lebih dramatis hasilnya ntar

    Liked by 1 person

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